Monday, November 30, 2009

Don't we all suffer from OCD of thoughts, emotions, and stories?

I found the A&E series "OCD" and "Hoarder" to be the depiction of the same behavior--- people in the show hoard stuff; we one the other hand, are obsessive compulsive thinkers and hoarders of thoughts, emotions, and memories.

The people in the show engage in all kinds of compulsive behaviors--checking stove 30 times before finally go out of the door, making right turns of their body 20 times before going to work, kissing their dogs exactly 12 times after coming home....

Hoarders bring in all kinds of stuff into their home, until the home turn into a trash pit. Most of the things they hoard are of sentimental values. Some hoard things to prepare for possible future use. Some just do not know how to make decision when it is time to get rid of things. So they delay making decisions and let the pile grow and grow until it gets out of control.

Most of them know this is not a normal behavior and would love to change. But they found any change to be very difficult.

So despite the motivation to stop, they just keep on doing it years and years and years.

I found this to be what we all are doing with our thoughts, memory, and emotions.

We all are compulsive with our thoughts, emotions, and memories.

We get so attached and used to all these behavior that although we know it might be good if we could clear up a little of space in ourselves, we don't know how to do it anymore.

So we just keep going and let thoughts, emotions, and memories clutter up the space in us. When we try to clean up, we even resist letting go. But at the same time, we also feel upset about why we had hoarded so many "stuff" in us.

We don't like to get organized of these stuff in us one by one, because we don't like to face that humongus pile and have to make hard decisions. So we let it go on.

The more we turn our head away, the bigger the pile grow.

What if this pile can somehow disappear so that we can have all the space in us back?

1 comment:

  1. The original two threads
