Monday, June 23, 2014

Horseback Riding

  Animals have big effect on me. I could look at them and am completely marveled by the beautiful and intelligent creation that is from God.
  Last year I joined a 3 hour tour to go looking for moose sighting in the wild. Another day I went to wolf hollow to see the wolf in captivity. I was beyond myself both times. Something deep inside of me was deeply touched, pure, simple and direct. I kept saying silently to the animals "Hi, how are you? Hi, why are you so beautiful?? Hi, You are just so magnificent. Hi, so nice to meet you. It is such a pleasure and honor....."
  Then I was looking to try horseback riding. After searching for a year and waiting for the right time and right planning, I finally did it. The special experience still affects me a month later. The impact is as strong as being in the wonderful view and energy of Sedona.
  The goals for the 3 day trip to Vermont were hiking, farmers market, and horseback riding.
   I just couldn,t wait to meet the horses.
   Finally I arrived at Mountain View Ranch. They walked the horses out to get them ready before the ride.

My horse for the hour is "Lady", a horse in her teen year. When the riding started, it is a mixed feeling of exhilaration and a little apprehension. I was beyond thrilled to be riding this magnificent horse. What a humbling experience. In order to make the riding work, "Lady" and I need to do this together. It, s not super comfortable in the beginning. After my body gets used to the rhythm, the apprehension went away.
  My 7 year old tabby cat wants nothing more than a full belly, a place for shelter, and just being a simple cat. He can be entertained and fascinated by the birds outside for hours. Easily scared and stunned, he goes crawling slowly into under the bed when a little thunders start , trying to make himself as inducible as possible. He is contend and sweet as long as he is fed and well .  I realized how observant and alert he is toward anything around him. Whatever i do, if i turn around, i will be sure he is watching. I started to be very gentle and considerate about what i do around animals, and then also people too.
  All animals are as magnificent and simple as my cat and "Lady". The thought of animals being attacked or eaten alive by a pack of wolves, or other predators just really saddens me. They are consumed bite by bite. They die little by little. The horror and suffering are totally real.
     Should it be seen as sacred when your body is being eaten as food to sustain or nourish other lives? Should you feel sacred when your body is being eaten alive?
  Different populations of animals naturally keep each other's number balanced, but it's through one way and one way only--food chain. Every animal has a place in the food chain somewhere and all animals can be food for other animals.
  The reality is that there are cruelty and suffering every day. That's the reality of this 3rd dimension. Or maybe there will come a day when animals no longer consume another animal?
  What about plants? They have signs of intelligence too.
  Our little head just can't figure out what the large design of things is and the reasons behind it.
  Let's raise the vibration of this space so that maybe this food chain dilemma will somehow resolved.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Encountering a spirit

  This experience was half sleep and half awake state one night last month. I saw a spirit in my living room. She dressed in a very elegant golden gown and was emanating bright white light. My cat and I were on this end of the living room, where I have been sleeping on the couch. She looked toward us for a while and continued on to go through the wall to my neighbor.
  Even though she seems to be a spirit with light, somehow both my cat and I were a bit nervous. I looked directly back to her, even trying to see if i might be able to talk to her. But then she walked into the wall.
  The thought of her going to another household made me nervous, wondering if people would see her and get scared. Somehow I became aware to the fact that she has been around all the time in this building. I was a bit surprised.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Responsive astral plane

  Last night I went back to the place where it's in the back of a mountain valley. I have been in this places many times before in recurrent dreams and this time around I wanted to check if any changes in the place. Besides the main learning room in the front, a few other rooms are connected to it. I can walk around in all rooms. It looked like close to dusk as I could not see very well. A night guard came to let me know it's closing time and I could not linger longer.
  There was the familiarity while walking around. I was standing in one room trying to stay longer when someone came in, and I said sorry and make myself ready to leave the room, purposefully making some sound and movement so that I did not spook her in the dark.
  I went to another room and a group of college aged guys and girls were still hanging out there. Another room with sofa type of seating is empty and I felt that this room can be put to good use and fit whatever I want to do.
  Then it's time for me to go home. It is already dark outside and I was thinking it's going to be a far journey. All of a sudden, I felt like I could levitate and fly. Just by the thought of it, a gust of wind came over and then I went airborn. It felt like I was on a roller coaster, going up and down. The speed is controlled by how fast I want it to be and the amount of energy seemingly around me and inside of me. I was counting 1,2,3.... and with each number I know it's 1 mile. My lips could not count fast enough as I counted to more than 50 in jut a few seconds. I was moving so fast while travelling.
  I arrived at someone's back yard where the trees and plants are unique looking and are all alive. I went into the plants and trees and they embrace me back like they are animals or living things. A few cute looking small creatures came out from the ground and bushes. One of them bit me and I woke up.