Thursday, August 13, 2015

Experiencing Sacred Sites of England

  What a milestone, life changing trip! Two weeks after coming back, I am still deeply moved and impacted by the special energy of those special places. Doors have been opened. Something has changed in the consciousness level.
  Before the trip, I had a vague idea that the earth is comprised of grids of energy leylines that many ancient or historical man made buildings, structures, or churches built on. Many mysterious crop circles appear around this area. Being physically there is simply magical and awe striking, feeling like experiencing the divine, joy and awe filled my being. I had butterfly sensation in my stomach throughout the trip. How blessed am I to be able to witness these magnificent places.
  Most of the places we visited are situated at node points of earth energy currents, the equivalent of the acupuncture points of the human energy system. At these energy crossing points with higher frequency, doing something in these places often multiply its force and power and has widespread effect on large area, even impacting the whole earth. They also happen to have underground spring water running underneath. Wells or spring water often are beneath the cathedrals.
  Ancient people built stone circles, mounds, barrows, cathedrals, hill forts to mark these leylines or node points. They worship, bury important members of the society, or held ceremony during important astronomical events such as solstices. They would move gigantic sarsen stones from miles and miles away to build the stone circles.
 The earth is seen as a living entity, and these sites are her navel, meridian points, or chakra,
  Amazingly, when connecting some of the important sacred sites, it forms a perfect sacred geometric shape, beautifully lay out in the larger landscape, like a magic being placed on the ground, with purpose and meanings.
     Starting 1990s, the appearance of large number of crop circles in this surrounding area adds to the mystery. Why here? Besides the energy leylines, another theory is the large amount of chalk and flint, interacting with aquifers containing high mineral content, plus the strong earth electromagnetic field,  all contributing to the good conductor of electricity, which attracts the phenomena.
  We went into a 2 day old crop circle. I was able to feel in my legs the tingling/buzzing sensation and also heat.
  It is fascinating and mind boggling-- the designs of these crop circles. The Crop Circle Museum in Marlborough says "....their mathematical and geometrical complexity....., regardless their size, can display a precision that is beyond belief."
  I soak in and savor the rich and intense energy of each places whenever I get a moment to be alone. Even though in a group setting, the experience and relationship with the place is personal and profound. Whether it,s running energy through chakra, praying silently to angels around, eating lunch in the cafe in the cathedral or near the White Horse Hill, enjoying cream tea in Avebury, buying a rain jacket in the downtown store, getting some fruits or snacks in the supermarket, buying small things from the St. Margaret,s Chapel, organizing and reflecting in my own hotel room, leaving a tiger;s eye crystal in a tree in one of the sites......all these are special moments that connect me to the sacred places forever.
  The butterfly sensation of joy is still in my stomach. I ponder the meaning of this whole experience. Everything becomes so sacred and beautiful. Everything is supposed to be a part of a bigger design, some by the Creator, others by our highly advanced ancestors, who are connected to the sky and the earth. What is it like when the whole society is so aware and so connected to heaven and earth?  How wonderful it is to connect Heaven and Earth together--angels, higher beings, stars, planets, and the power of the sacred places.
  Everything is sacred, mysterious, meaningful, and beautiful. Can we see it? Can we feel it? It occurs to me that i as a human being also has meridian points, chakra, energy current in the body. I am myself an universe that is sacred, beautiful, and is created with meaning and purpose. What a magical world this is!!!!