Sunday, November 22, 2009

Connecting with inner self through inner energy --first time

This is what my own experiences are about inner energy

1. Inner energy is the medium for us to connect with our expanded consciousness or authentic self.

Without this inner energy get flowing, even when we hear words of truth, we understand it only intellectually. But you can't understand truth. You can only experience truth, because turth is multi-dimentional. It cannot be approached with one dimention of our intellectual understanding. Its totality has to be experienced with our "being" or our true self.

The most someone can do is to point you to the truth. No one can tell us the whole truth, becausee language and words are limiting.Inner energy is this medium that enable us to experience our true power or our true consciousness, because inner energy can be translated and connected and joined with the fabric of consciousness. We can physically feel our inner energy flowing. Then the energy takes us to experience our essence. We can't experience our essence just by words or language.

2. Inner energy is something that we need a space in us in order for it to grow and expand.

1) Longing, curiosity that brings you to look for things to read all over the place clearly indicate that you have a void to fill. And once you hear the things that resonate with our energy, it knows it. And we can kick off some inner energy this way.

2) Loss, traumatic event that almost break or wipe out our old ego or old ways, where nothing work anymore can trigger a void in us.

3) While practicing chakra work, we create a space in us by visualizing energy entering us. In order for the energy to enter and flow, there has to be a space in us.

4) In meditation, we create a space by peeling off layers of old self, first exhausting bodily sensation, then exhausting emotions, then thoughts, then memory. We work through these one after another, until these no longer cause reactive behavior or bodily reaction to them. After these issues are dealt with, we create this space in us, so that our inner energy can get flowing and expanded.

Have you noticed if you have a full plate of things to do, problems to be taken cared of, even when you know how to visualize chakras, or how to sit in meditation, you still can't do it, or can't sit still for five minutes? It's because we haven't created this space for the inner energy to get kicked off and flow.That's why we say " Get quiet and look within," because when we get quiet, the chaos settle down, so that we create this space in us for inner energy to kick start.

3. Inner energy can be directed and needs to be directed

We can kick off inner energy and it will go all over the place. That's why need right intent, right thinking to direct this energy. Inner energy without being centered and grounded will cause a lot of emotional issues. How we tackle these issues can determine the result of these energy phenomenon.

4. Inner energy finds its grounding place when encounter something that's from the ultimate truth and essence.

Inner energy finds its grounding place when something resonates with truth and essnence appear.

For example, during meditation, we can get the energy flowing, but in order to go even deeper, the only thing can do the trick at this point is short and concise mantra or realization, such as "total honesty" "recognizing this" "If this is not true, what is?"These short phrases usually can take you deep further and further, until you come to stillness, because you come to your own being, and that's where the truth is.

When the above mantra take you to this place, you know this is it, because these mantra totally resonates with them and will not go any furthere, because it will not and cannot go further.

Usually when you find that even with these mantra you still can't go deeper and you just can't stay sitting, is because you haven't exhausted your bodily sensation, emotions, thoughts, or memory.

5. This inner energy is the thing that follow you into daily life where you are total centered and will not be affected easily. You are the truth itself.

When negative opinion comes, you know what truth is, so you try telling your truth. When you interact with others, you see that they have the truth deep within them and you connect with that part. You feel familiar with everyone around you.

You look everyone just like you. When you see injustice or inequality around you, you stand up to it from a place of determination and compassion. It is not reactive. It is because you like to match what is in you inside to the outer world.

You like this expanded consciousness to be everywhere you go, not just deep inside of you. The nature of this authentic self is that it is so overwhelming that you really have to pass it on.

6. How inner energy coming to a still feels like physically is like something ground you in the belly area.

When it is grounded to a total stillness, you really feel everything in the body comes to a calm stop. (Your eyelid will not move a bit, breathing slow down to as if you don't need much air. Something sucks you in from within and you feell like finally you find your own true resting place in this whole universe. You feels like you have come home. ) It is very apparent and the most amazing thing in the world. When you are in this state, you are in the "being," "I" disappears.

The more we are in this state, the more we are connected with our "being" the more operate from the palce of "being"

7. How inner energy coming to a still feels like intellectually and emotionally is like immense self love from inside and out, knowing, total awareness, joy, awe, wonder, belief, intuition, faith, .....

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