Sunday, November 22, 2009

OBE 071208--first time


The chakra work last night was pretty good. I had a big glass of ice tea in the evening so I didn't sleep well last night, in and out of a series of dreams.

In one of the half dream half awake states, I was lying on my bed looking out of my window from my bed at the bright sky (although it's midnight), with the sun high up and at the edge of the sky, something blue was forming.

I thought to myself, that probably was a rainbow. The next thing I knew, I was raised by a force, intending to turn everything upside down. I was like what's the matter with the earth, why is it turning upside down? Then I felt myself raised by a force from underneath while lying on my bed. I saw my two legs raised in the air and my body was hanging in the air.

Somehow in the half dream half awake, there was someone next to me, although there wasn't. I smacked him repeatedly and said look, hey look, what happened to me? I am in the air. Look at my legs. They are still going up.

I was terrified! First I thought the end of the world has come when the earth was turing upside down. Then I thought I was having something like an OBE. But then it felt as if I was possessed by a force.

This morning I felt a substantial swirl of energy inside of me. I feel more centered and calm than usual.

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