Saturday, September 21, 2013

Love and awakening for all beings

  An emaciated dog was found abandoned near a park. She was a 2 year old female pitbull with multiple places of broken bones. Her nose was burned. Her eye was stabbed. Her spine was broken. The injuries were so severe that they appeared to be the result of repeated beating, or being crushed by very heavy object. The emaciated dog was just skin and bone, having been starved for quite some time.
  When photos of the dog appeared on the TV news, you can see the total horror and hopelessness lingering in the dog's eyes.The X Ray photos of places of her broken bones, the burned mark, and her emaciated body are just totally difficult to watch.
  The dog had to be put down due to the severity of its condition. The abuser has yet to be found.
  Concerned calls by viewers flooded the TV news station. My heart broke by this unbelievable brutality and suffering. What the horror it must have been when the pitbull was repeatedly beaten by its attacker. Does it has time to realize what was happening to her? In her 2 year of short life on earth, has she known about love, comfort, joy, warmth, care, ....and the fact that she is a magnificent creature?
  The attacker must have been someone who was going through a lot of hatred and confusion, to commit these terrible acts. He can also be cold blooded abuser who has no empathy. What is it like to live through life without empathy?
  All I can do is to send love and light to both the dog and the abuser. In order to end the unfortunate suffering and brutality, healing is badly needed for both the attacker and the attacked, so that the attacker will not abuse another living being.
   Any time on any day, violence, abuse, attack, and suffering are happening somewhere in the world--animals being eaten alive, pets mistreated in horrible living conditions or harm, humans struggle in physical illness/pain or psychological stress from jobs, making ends meet, relationships, indignity, ignorance, crime......Some are abused, and others become abusers. But do beings everywhere know about love, healing, warmth, light, joy, care, safety, and the fact that they are magnificent creatures?
  I ask Kwan Yin and my spirit guides to please pray and send love and light to all beings everywhere. I see  that Kwan Yin and all light beings hold up their arms and send healing love and light. I chant "Love and awakening for all beings. "Love and awakening for all beings"........

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

More Synchronicity

  1. I was contacting a healer to ask a question or order something. Right when I started composing the email, my alarm clock which has been dead for at least 2, 3 years all of a sudden started to beep. I figured maybe earlier I had accidentally move the switch to alarm setting position and somehow it could still beep when time. I went to the clock and was shocked to find that even the switch was in the off position.
  2. Sometimes I would chant Great Compassion Mantra in seemingly impossible situation and amazing results often occur . The latest has been that when rushing to work, if I aim at rushing to the office at 9:30, by chanting, I would get there at exactly or a little after 9:30, even though it seem totally impossible. Sometimes the traffic is so heavy but then it will somehow move quickly, or I would go on the road and will find only a few cars on the road. It amazed me every single time.
  3. In June I joined a moose tour in New Hampshire to see this magnificent creature in the wild. We saw one in the beginning and then nothing happened for a long while. I started to wonder whether we would get to see any more. I started to talk to Kwan Yin to please send some moose our way and envision seeing a big buck, not among the trees, but on the side of the road. After a while, to my amazement, one big buck with long horns was spotted right on the side of the road! The van drove back and forth for us to see it a few times. It stayed on the side of the road for us to see it there at least 3 times. On this night, we not only saw this big buck, but also the first baby of the season, with its mom. According to the tour guide, this is the best sighting so far this year, 8 moose in one night, buck, baby, mom, juvenile..... They have been seeing between 1 and a few in previous weeks
  4. While requesting divination by picking out bamboo sticks in 2 separate temples in Taiwan, I received 2 great messages in a row. I only need to throw the divination blocks once in one temple, and twice in another. Both messages are among the best one can receive, and one is the best message.
  5. I was able to sit in the middle of second row, facing directly at Amma, during Darshan (See Amma the hugging saint)
  6. Went to have I Ching reading to see whether citywide slot reduction will affect my program. The prediction is no cut for me. I was not very sure because one probable way is every classroom loses 3 slots across the board. Two weeks later, the final result is announced. My program is one of the 4 not being cut, out of 23 programs citywide.
  7.  I bought a deck of Oracle card two weeks ago. To receive messages from angels, I picked one card a day in the first few days, and then 2 or 3 cards a day. When too busy,I skip a day. One card has been kept coming up--Mediumship. The card says "You have natural ability to connect with departed loved ones." It has come up in 6 days. On one day, it even appeared twice when drawing three cards.
  8. I pulled "Be willing to forgive" and all of a sudden, something irritated my contact lens and I had to stopped and took the lens out. I came back, shuffled the cards, and pulled a card. It is "Be willing to forgive" again.
   9. I have not had bad dreams or nightmares ever since my first awakening almost 10 years ago. One day I realized that I have not had bad dreams at all. (I still remember having nightmares or woke up from crying or screaming from the dreams long time ago.)
  10. After a Sunday workshop in the shamanism apprenticeship series in the instructor's house, a few of us started to attempt to get whatever was in the chimney out. It turned out to be a small hawk stuck in there for three days at the time. However we just could not get to it. Everyone tried to do something to help. I called the Angel Memorial Hospital and jot down a couple of phone numbers in a paper in someone's notebook. Later on, I noticed that the cover of the notebook happened to be full of the tiny birds, rows and rows of them, looking exactly like the baby hawk! What a co-incident. The hawk was rescued by a wildlife specialist the next day with no injuries and was doing very well.