Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Ask for And Expect Miracles

  Travelling, spending time in nature on weekends, cooking out on camp fire, staying in a cabin, trying to work out some issues at work and with friends…This sums up the activities lately and for the last two months, besides working.  This is after a welcomed conclusion of quite a few spiritual workshops I attended since last year, acquiring new skills for me, but taking time away from me going into nature.

  Three, four years ago, I became curious about the bar scene and was hoping to have friends to go with me after work. (For me this was a cultural learning, a non typical in my own culture.) I had an interesting precognitive dream prior to it becoming a reality, going out chatting after a long week. ( In the dream someone tried to steal my mystical box from me while at the bar when I was with 2 friends. It ended up being a chasing frenzy with a few people chasing me flying around in the sky. The dream ended with me stopping at a road where there is no one around.) Flying Like It's Natural

  The going out with friends has turned out for me to learn the socialization that in certain aspect was new to me, and also how others really view spirituality.
  Whenever I run into a wall of misunderstanding, ridicule, distrust, unintended mistake, and disrespect, it is sad and feels lonely, as if you are an odd duck that does not fit anywhere. I learn that these can only be dealt with compassion. It leads me deeper into my inner self, where everything is.
  In the meantime, the spiritual growth for me has been more and more sense of connection with guides and angels. I talk to them whenever I get a chance. Last week I had my aura photo taken after a year. This time around, I have violet aura all around me. Last year, I had white aura as my primary color at the time.
  I found that the more things I hope for and pray for sincerely, the more things become reality. I simply say it and then trust that it is true, putting no more mind activities into it
1.  One night I could not fall asleep and felt my body tense all over. After about half an hour tossing and turning, I just could not stand it anymore. I talked firmly to my angels to please send unconditional love into my body right now. Right away, every part of my body and organ respond to it on command, as if a flow of healing energy has come in and flooded through my body. Instantly I changed from being stressed to soften into sobbing tears. I instantly felt healed and relieved and started to relaxed into sleep. It felt just like a miracle!
2.       “The Psychic Pathway” came to my mind all of a sudden, two years after I bought this book. I decided that I would read it over the weekend coming up. I started reading it and could not believe what I was reading.

  Three things happened to me right before reading them  in "The Psychic Pathway", things I would not think I find in a book on psychic development

 Asking for and expecting miracles---
  Last week, because of some issues that are out of my control, I asked Kwan Yin and St Michael for help. I have thought of what I could do and what might help. I did one or two things that have helped. For the rest of things that I probably could do, the outcome could go either way. I lost sleep and I could feel my body got really tense due to the stress. After much struggle, I simply said “I am giving this to Kwan Yin and St. Michael. They are going to do this for me. This needs to be done at the magical and miracle level.“ Things continue to work well with some new twists and turns.
  I did the same thing about a situation with a friend. I said to St Michael that I really don’t know how to do this. I am giving this to you St. Michael. I said it on the previous night before falling asleep. I said that during the meditation the next morning, and I said it again when I was in the nature. I felt very good and said it again when reaching the next beach. Later I found out that that friend has just emailed me back as a friendly gesture when I was at the beach, whereas the previous day, she was all hostile and distant.
  Instantly I felt the calm and confirmation that there is the divine intervention at work. I was speechless and almost couldn’t believe how the magic and miracle work.

Getting organized---

  I couldn’t sleep two nights ago and kept thinking about this lifelong dream of mine--- camping out in the wild and getting a new place where I can do gardening in the nature and maybe have some animals on the farm for a simple life. If I don’t try these this lifetime, I am sure I will have to come back to fulfill my dream in my next lifetime. 
  It occurred to me that I can start by re-arranging my place to make it simpler. The most I was thinking about was to make the bedroom a meditation room where I would move the bed out and have the whole room empty, with only maybe a shrine and a reading table. I also wanted to make the dining table smaller to make the rest of the dining area larger. On Saturday, I spent quite a bit of time cleaning out the pile of paper, and got rid of some unnecessary items.

Avoid asking those who are not spiritually sound for advices
  Lately many times I have felt that I might as well talk to myself. The more I talk to some people, the more I feel it is a wall. It simply is not time for some people to communicate truthfully. And it is ok. The time will come for everyone at some point.

  I did specifically all three things and then right away read them in the book unexpectively, as if receiving a confirmation from my angels. Things have been working out for me starting at the miracle level. Everything works out and comes together like magic.