Sunday, November 22, 2009

Making reality in astral plane 041509--first time


At day break this morning, some birds started singing diligently outside of my window and would not leave. It kept me awake and I could not go back to deep sleep.Then I seemed to have a series of remote viewing or astral vision.

While in them, I was pretty lucid and conscious and remembered to try out things in that half and half state and felt so free and magical. The thing I noticed this time was: everything seemed to solidify into reality only after I have thought of it in my head, just before it happened. And this is so very interesting, almost like I am making things happen with my thoughts or will. I also often need to take a second look to find out what just showed up, and usually it was something I just thought of in my head two seconds before. It actually looked like they are taking forms right in front of me, from vague to clear.

First I was in a dream where a scaly creature was in a distance outside of a structure I was in. I watched him as he moved around, but I wasn’t feeling scared at all, since I have brought with me a shell on my back to protect myself. I even hoped that he would walk over here so that I can see what would happen.

Then I was on the street waiting for something. A very small car came into sight and stopped in front of me. Out walked a very thin old, short man, getting out of the car to pick up something that had dropped out from the car. As he got out, I was so surprised to see that this tiny car had fitted in two people, another was an old tiny lady on the driver seat. I was like these two people look unreal and out of this world, almost like cartoon characters. They drove away.

My vision turned to the traffic light. A beautiful lady stood there, but two guys were there bothering her. (In this, I was like “how could these tiny people and the beautiful lady really turn up, when a second ago, they are only in my head?”

I kept thinking I got to head back to Boston. In a second just like that, I found myself on the familiar hiking trails that I had visited many times in the half and half state. I stood in the middle of a cross trail, with a house in one end of the road, but I wasn’t sure which of the three direction heading to Boston.

I was about to go ask the people in the house on the side of the road. I looked around me to look for a temple that I had known on the second floor of the house. And there it was. I saw it and I saw a big status of a god in the temple. (Again, the hiking trails and the temple showed up about one second after I have thought about them. I even kinda saw them shaping into forms.) Then I seemed to gain more consciousness and knew that I was in a half and half state.

At this point, I wanted to try even more things and see if I can really make it happen with my will. Then the kind of weird astral noise and background voices occurred, which often happens in the beginning or the end of an OBE. I became sexual aroused and thought to myself, I wanted to manifest a man to play with me. So I will myself trying to make it happen. An invisible force showed up to play with me. ;D

Then I heard like a frog crocking next to my bed. I was like what is that. As I woke up, the crocking sound turned out to be the birds outside of my window.

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