Tuesday, August 26, 2014


  It has been special pilgrimage for me to visit temples to worship and receive divination while visiting my family in Taiwan.
  On my trip back this year in July, I visited Temple of Divine Mother, and Temple of Kwan Yin.
  I love to be among the sea of people praying, worshiping, and offering incenses, fruits, or flowers to the Gods, some standing, others kneeing, and still others bowing down on the ground. Everyone is talking to the Gods. The ascending trails of fragrant incense, the sight of devotion of people around, the golden statue of Gods, the magnificent shrine, all emanates divine energy and glory that take you to a different realm and space.
  The most special part is talking to Gods to ask for divination. The messages I received last year were classified "High-High" and "High-Good"
  I wonder if I would receive messages as good as last year.
  After offering the incense, I asked for permission to receive divination. Once getting the go ahead, I draw a stick and ask again whether this is the message in regard to my question or prayer.
  While talking to Kwan Yin, I felt the strong connection and the vibrations throughout my body. It was so familiar, so direct, and so intimate. After getting the stick, I went to the message chest to find the slip matching the number.
  I was so shocked when seeing the message. It is a message that is classified as "High-High" again, the same like the one I received a year ago., as if Kwan Yin is so happy to see me back home and I can almost see the bright smile in her glow of divine light.
  The message from the Divine Mother didn't have a classification, but it is also as good as can be.
  This is exactly the same way as the messages I received from 2 temples last year.
  All of these messages basically say that everything will be the best outcome. The metaphor used are "Coming home with boat load of treasure", "A career full of promoting connections", "Moon light shinning brightly so why the unnecessary doubts",  "Feeling of bottom replaced by sudden shift of smooth sail and beautiful autumn scenery".
  How can anyone be consistently receiving such wonderful divinations two years in the row in 4 temples? In each temple, the 100 sticks for divination have ranks of classifications from "High-High" to "Low-Low", if they have classifications at all.