Sunday, November 29, 2009

"I" becomes "this".

The rocking and swaying will stop quickly once the inward flowing gets going. You just feel you want to stay that way, as if you are surfing the waves and taking the ride. You are sucked inward but are balanced in a way that you feel great doing it.

At this point, whether or not there are two "I" doesn't seem to matter anymore. There is a watcher that seems to be able to affect what he does. He can see whatever his consciousness is doing. He can see it in energy form. The consciousness creates the energy and the movement of the energy, that's dancing in front of him. So at this point, it is really a kind of active doing that's taking place.

The mantra switches automatically from "let me" to "let this." "I" becomes "this".

I used floatation tank just once a few weeks ago and the sensory dissolving state is similar to this point. The senses all seems to fade away, only awareness remains.

But when you go back to daily life, your senses sharpen like ten times.

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