Sunday, November 22, 2009

OBE 040409--first time


I have been having a bad cold and have a cough that lingers. Early this morning, it disturbed my sleep, so I was in and out of consciousness.

During one point, I became aware again and could feel myself separating. I could feel my whole body vibrating and floating. I haven’t had the RTZ OBE for a while, so I was excited. There started to be a background music playing out of nowhere, sounding like coming from radio statics. My vision was blur. My energy body sat up from the couch and kept trying to remember that there is something I really want to do. Then I remember that I need to look at my hand to see if it melted. I raised up my right hand, couldn’t really make out the details of the arm, only the shape, and it did seem to change its form.

I close my eyes because I am still quite sleepy, and then opened them up again to see where I was. It probably was still my living room, but there was nothing in it, and the early morning light looked a lot darker. I close my eyes again and felt myself floating and moving up.

Then I found myself in another room looking like my living room, but the carpet is light red, and the room is empty. This probably was my neighbor’s living room upstairs.I looked out of the sliding door and saw a cat biting something. I instantly felt very sad for that thing, which is another smaller cat. But it was okay and got away. I looked closely and found this small cat is a beautiful leopard with spots all over his body. He walked over to the other side of the balcony and sat on a piece of rock resting.

I woke up finding that the morning light is a lot brighter than the surrounding of what just happened.

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