Sunday, November 22, 2009

lucid dreaming turn into OBE 021609--first time


Last night I decided that I would attempt to project. So I made a mental wish that I would project tonight.

I woke up in the early morning and then tried to fall back to asleep. My cat kept coming to bother me.I lay there keeping telling my self “body sleep” and right away, I felt the vibration start all over my body. So I let it vibration.

Within seconds, I can feel my body start to get paralyzed, and the facial muscle and neck started to have that pulling feeling again by itself. At this point, I usually feel my body feels tense. I realized that this is the problem that preventing me from going into relaxation. My mind kept checking whether my body has been out. So my body can’t relax at all. So this time, I keep telling myself “relax” and at the same time, I tried to notice what is in my third eye. I started to see some shapes forming. There were also swishing sounds. I was in and out of the consciousness of my physical surrounding and somewhere like a twilight zone.

In a short while, I saw a yellow dog. It looked so familiar. I pet him and stroked his body. But he growled at me when I touched his body. Then I remembered that it was my grandma’s old yellow dog Pello. I was so glad to see him, as I almost already forgot all about him. He has died for over 13 years. I pet him and looked into his eyes. His fur felt exactly how it felt 13 years ago. But his legs seemed shorter.

Then I was in my living room with someone that’s like my brother. We are starting to play a game and I wanted to write on a piece of paper. I said give me a piece of paper. He gave me a piece of card paper that has no blank spot on it. I said, I can’t write on this. He said here I have another paper. He grabbed a stack of purple sticker note pad that’s still packaged.

Then I went in my room to get something next to my bed and saw a piece of clothing fell on the floor. I looked at it and surprisingly see it was moving. I was like why is the clothes moving by itself? So I know that I am in a state of altered consciousness.

So now I felt I am on my bed, because I have been trying to flip out of bed checking whether I can flip out of the body before falling asleep. Now, I tried it again and felt I am totally flexible and my energy body was actually floating around.

So I flipped out of the bed, without falling. I felt myself floating and had to switch myself to a standing position. I try to move, but in the beginning, it is awkward. I even hit the bed, and my leg merged into the bed.

So I moved out of the bedroom. It was dark. I felt anxious to move out so that I can do as much as possible, because I don’t know how much longer I can be out of body. So I tried to move quickly. This time I moved through living room toward the direction of the sliding door. I floated right though the couch and coffee table that are in the way. I even floated right through the sliding doors without thinking to open it. There are sensations of going through things, but I focused on moving out. I entered my neighbor’s balcony. They have hanged some clothing there and I had to pass through those to the railing of the balcony. I quickly tried to jump out of the railing. It was still dark out.

As I jumped out, I seemed to gain consciousness.

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