Friday, December 12, 2014

Horrors in the "Solitary Nation" (on PBS)

"Solitary Nation" on PBS show Frontline is a documentation of inmates who are placed solitary confinement due to disruption inside the prison.
  The ones subjected to this punishment are originally put in there for a few months. Because of the inhumane conditions and unbearable rage, anger, screams, shouts, cursing of the inmates in that area, each of them quickly subcum to even more destructive behaviors. The punishment is then even longer time in it.
  According to the film, the concept of putting inmates into solitary confinement started in the 1800s. It stopped for a while but then re-started again in 1960s (if I remember correctly).
  During solitude, supposedly it is easier to process one's issues, emotions, thoughts, and get to the real self inside. It's not unheard of that inmates find God while in the prison and totally turn themselves around. However, if we remain our reactive ego and if the place is full of disruptions and violence, such process will not be possible, and one ends up becoming even more reactive from the hurt in the process, and from the built up emotions that gets more and more intense once in there. It's then unbearable both from the inside and on the outside.
  It is horrifying to see the conditions the inmates go through. The small rooms line up along the hallway and inmates can hear or see through the small glass window on the door and the gap under the door. They scream, bang/shake the door violently, curse at the system, or at each other, push feces and urine out to the hallway, , . Each day, they get one hour to come out to walk in an individual cage for exercise.
  The most horrifying scene is when a certain inmate is found mutilating himself in protest or despair, which is usually the last resort they turn to. A team of prison guards go in to bring out the bloody, pale, half dying inmate out for medical attention. It is horrifying to see the small cubical room overfloated with blood like a murder scene. The custodian is there to wipe off the place splashed with blood and sweep the flooded blood down the drain like sweeping flooded water.  
  It is just so sad and horrifying to see a vibrant, alive human being reduced to that screaming, half dying, bloody mess after just a few short weeks.
  Is this really the only way to try to turn a human being around? Is this even working at all?
  One of the projects the prison tries on one of the most severely dangerous inmates to himself is to pull him out in a separative area where he receives one on one counseling with a therapist a few times a week. after a few times, he started to open up and is able to share more and finally was able to be granted a phone call with his 2 year old daughter. This guy who was the most violent, disruptive, and feared turned into this caring, smiling, and joyful dad beaming with genuine love for another human being. He was then moved to a general area during part of the day where he was free to talk to inmates who are there free like he is. They play chess, eat on the table, and chat among themselves like in the high school cafeteria. These normal behaviors suddenly look so moving when it is from the guy who went through those violent horrors.
  Another guy featured in the solitary confinement was sent there just a few days when the show started. He looked at the camera and said that he feels that 4 months would go by fast and he should be ok. As time went by, he got more and more violent. He started to scream, shout, shake the door, curse at other inmates and guards. In just 2 months his time there was prolonged by 2 months longer. He became even more violent. His youthful, handsome face turned into this angry, mean, dry, desperate look. Pretty soon, he started to push urine and feces out into the hallway and mutilate himself. Toward the end of the show, it was the scene of him being taken out by the guards and doctors from the pool of flooded blood in his room. After treatment, he was put back into the solitary confinement for even longer time.
  The guy who had a great turn around had to go back to the solitary confinement after the project ended. He became violent again and his time was prolonged as well.
  Our planet is really not the easiest place for existence. We are born with limited capacity in our physical body, and then there are all kinds of circumstances in this human world we are facing with our own device. We are all loving and protective to our young children. We provide, teach, love, nurture, and care for them because they are young and innocent. The day they turn 18 years old, all of a sudden we require everyone to make good decision and be responsible for themselves. If they ever break the law, we mostly throw people into jail for them to learn their lesson. However, those who commit most severe crime often are the ones need the most help. Separation and punishment only push them deeper into despair and confusion. We put them in there to face their own music, to hopefully remove the danger and harm to other human beings.
  For most people, this system probably works fine, but for those who need help the most, is there something else we could do?
  I mostly ask for divine beings to help all of us. May all living beings have peace, joy, love, light, health, safety, and fulfillment. Shine your loving light on everyone of us on this planet and everywhere. Thy will be done. Thy will be done.

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