Sunday, March 21, 2010

I am a nobody, just like my cat

3/20 Mindfulness Conference

Attended a mindfulness conference last night and today. When I was about to leave, a woman waited me at the ATM to thank me saying that my experience was that I never got it before but then something happened to me and that’s when I got right into it. She said that’s the best thing she heard out of the whole conference.

Two weeks ago, I was in a 3 day work related training. A woman told me that there is something about what I said and my demeanor that’s really different. There is something very touching.
Last night, two things that I got out of were: The path toward health is kindness. This has been my greatest conclusion out of all the meditations I do.

The other thing was: If you said “Imagine trying to put your hand in that fire like her.” Usually people don’t go in to help that person out of the fire. If you said “try to feel what her hand is feeling in that fire.” This usually get people to get another person out of the fire right away.

Another great thing I found in one of the books was: Where you are strong is usually your weakness. Power sometimes is just the disguise of insecurity or low-self esteem.

Try to present yourself as nobody as possible. If I am so eager to tell people I am in power, try hide that information and just stay in that position of nobody. Try to have no opinion. Try to just observe, not engage.

Turn discomfort into an inquiry.

The decision I came to today is that I need to share what I experienced. I need to go to the insight meditation center.

Right now one challenge for me is if someone threatens the hard work I have around work. When I really ask myself, so why do you get so worked up if a phony person can shine more than she deserves. Besides the reason that I am angry that others got fooled by non truth, there definitely is a sense of insecurity. I am just so bothered by phoniness.

Am I in fear of phoniness? Do I maybe have phoniness as well?

Maybe I value what I achieved so much, that I think it to be wrong if someone falsely get more than what she works for or deserves.

It's all in the attachment to possession, when infact, we can't really possess anything.

Why not just feel that uncomfortable sensation that person feels when she she can be so insecure because she doesn't deserve all that credits. How uncomfortable it must be.

Truth will come out eventually. Truth is always here. Why do you take that on yourself, wanting to reveal the truth tot others?

When I walk in the woods, I ask these questions to the trees. I need to learn from the trees. Every tree is so tall. I don’t admire any tree more than the other. Some are taller than others. But in the scheme of things, it really doesn’t matter.

I need to honor each moment, good or bad. No one moment is better than the other.

My cat Sunny, what a gentle soul. He spent his lifetime doing just sleep, wake up, eat, poop, running around, day in and day out. And then one day, he is gone. Such a nobody, yet such a loving creature.

I am just like that. I am no different.

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