Monday, December 21, 2009

What is weeping

The host of Travel Channel "Bizarre food" Andrew Zimmer was in a ritual in a tribe in South Africa. He was just looking around and joined in the circle when the dance and drumming got more intense. People rolled around and dance around in trance. He was amazed by what he was seeing. All of a sudden, the Shaman placed hands in his lower chest just for a minute. He got very emotional and started to weep. He is usually a cheerful and funny guy. To see him weep is a bit of good TV.

Weeping still happens to me often during meditation and yoga. I know it's because there are times during the day when ego, instead of true self, is operaing. Thoughts or sensation without thoughts can both cause the weeping. For example, I would be bending over on the mat doing yoga when I start weeping for no reason, just because of the post triggering a deep sensation in me. So I would weep for a while. During meditation, I also weep for no reason when I feel the sensation in the solar plexus area.

Whenever during the day, if I have oppressed my feelings or I have let something unfair happened to me or to others, I know that this will show up in my meditation. This type of weeping usually comes on very rapidly, so intense that you feel you are shaking yourself from inside, as if a motor engine inside just get started in a continuous pushing motion.

It can also be intepreted that there is still something hidden that's blocking the pure self. Something is in the way to the pure self. When we are facing the pure self, everything is clear and pure and there is non of the emotions or sensation

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