Monday, December 30, 2013

A Setback---Healing Crisis

  Back in 2003, after about 10 month into the awakening process and blissful state, I got ill all of a sudden, stricken with something that runs in my family. After some treatment with meds, I has been doing fine.
  Lately, after many intense practice and clearing, a relapse occurs out of the blue without any warnings.
  It is a setback, making me wondering perhaps I was doing something wrong. I was so sure about the stronger and stronger connections with kwan yin and my spirit guides, and all the archangels and ascended masters.
I am also doing healing on all my lifetimes and to all beings.
  Maybe I have taken on more than I can offer?
  Usually i would receive messages or warning either from a  friend who often dream about me, or through dreams or other means. But this time it totally took me off guard.
  The relapse is a wake up call. Perhaps my guides wanted me to pay attention to this matter now, to save any future trouble, or perhaps I need to take care of this matter, before I can go further to the next level of development.
  Even if the using of modern medicine is needed, I should respect and trust whatever I am guided to do, as medical science is also a part of the creation.
  It turns out there is Law of Cure, cited

Holistic healers have been familiar with the phenomenon of healing events for over two thousand years. Constantine Hering (1800-1880) was an MD who is known as the father of homeopathy. He observed several characteristics of a healing event and his observations became so well known and respected that they are still taught today. The principles of the Hering Law of Cure follow:
  1. The human body seeks to externalize disease from deep internal organs to more superficial levels like the skin. It will also heal from the inside out. Healing will usually occur on the inside of the body before the outside and the curative process will work its way out of the body from there. For example, someone with asthma may develop a skin rash as his or her body attempts to resolve the asthma. Unfortunately, in modern medical protocol this rash would most likely be treated with cortisone cream. This type of suppression of the body's natural healing process could result in the condition going back inside again to re-affect the lungs.
  2. Healing events tend to proceed from the head downward. By this he meant that the body typically exerts healing energy to resolve ailments at the top of the body (near the head) before it will tend to ailments at the bottom of the body (near the feet).
  3. The healing of illnesses in the body will occur in the reverse order to development. The most recent health challenges will be resolved first and the old illnesses will be healed last. For example, the body would work on healing lung tissue from a recent bout with pneumonia before it would work on healing kidney tissue from a childhood kidney disease. This experience of healing through our past health challenges has been called "retracing".
  4. The healing will occur in a cycle. We will endure a healing event followed by feeling wonderful and then we'll just "coast along" for a while until our body has gathered up enough strength to tackle another healing task. Just as we will consciously ensure that we are well rested before taking on a big job like cleaning out the garage for example, our body will only address big issues when it has the strength to do so. In between these healing events we can experience periods of glorious wellness as we begin to know what it feels like to be 'in balance'.

   In 2003, one of the major clearings that took place was a strong rush of energy coming out of my body, lasting 30 seconds to a minute, bringing out perhaps all blockages with it. The experience led to an OBE, and this entity left me for good. I woke up and my body felt as if reborn, as light as a feather, totally just transformed inside and out, for a few days afterwards.
  About 3 months later, another similar event took place again. A rush of energy rushed out down from my body, through my feet, I even experienced an orgasm. This time I projected to a hall covered by yellow curtains. After very bravely opening a door, I was in this huge field, walking toward a bright white light ahead, alongside with 2 or 3 others. Waking up, I felt reborn and transformed again for a few days afterwards.
  A lot of blockages must have been cleared, if not totally. Ever since then, my life has not been the same. Even though the condition that runs in the  family was not avoided, I trust that it is for me to  undergo treatment as early as possible. The healing experience itself also must  be what I am here to learn.

  The relapse this time probably is the result of major adjustment in me now. The impact of the intense quest is real, and it bounds to stir things up in a major way. I will just face it and deal with it as a part of this ever lasting journey.
  In the meantime, I am fine, just needing some meds. I also do acupuncture.

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