Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A Spiritual Path with No Self Interest

Have just finished a nonprofit management certificate program representing my agency since last September. Have not been able to put much focus on my energy work. Having finished the certificate, I immediately went away to a Tree Whispering three day workshop to refresh.

During this past year, my routine of meditation, nature walk, and yoga continued. I also started to watch a lot of ghost encountering TV programs and Oprah's Soul Sunday program.

The consciousness of the world is shifting. Wherever I turn, signs of consciousness evolving are obvious. While among these large group of people coming for all sorts of spiritual workshops, I found myself no longer eager to share my journey. At the most, I mentioned the transformation but didn't go into details. If people are eager, they will find it soon enough. It's not about me, it's about themselves.

Once back home, I watched a documentary about Edgar Casey, the greatest psychic and prophet, whom has been unknown to me until now. By going into self induced hyponosis, he gave about 14000 readings over the course of his life, all of which contain accurate and striking details about prophet and major events of the future, including world war I and II. His statement included ancient civilizations or geographic sites that would not be found until long after his death. Pole shift of the earth that would bring great changes in 2012 was also among his prophecy. While reading others, he believed that he was reading into other's subconscious mind. Others believe that he was reading the Akashic records.

What struck me the most is that he did not charge for his readings, even though his family has always struggled to get by. His son remembers how his mother often did not know where their next meal would come from. He believed that everyone has psychic ability just like he did. Yet it will not work if it is used for self interest. If used for service, without any self interest, the greatest power will come through to help with the work. By accepting donations only, he saw his work as a service to people.

"No self interest," what a great way of living. I meditated on it and instantly felt great peace and sense of liberation. When concerning about self, it's worries, fears, and drama playing in the head. What if I could just put service ahead of myself. Stop contemplating making a living with spiritual work, because perhaps it is even a better idea not to charge anything for healing, helping, and serving others. If this is the way, then regular job is still necessary to sustain livelihood. I do not need much, just need to have enough to get by.

After going to sleep, I dreamed of my deceased father, whom I haven't seen in dreams since March. I would only dream about or see him in an unusually deepdream or very lucid state. In last night's dream, he has invited many Buddists to our Buddha Room on the third floor where the whole place was being elaborately arranged and decorated. My father was hosting a lunch for a holy monk who sat in a shrine meditating. I was there to help with the setting up. The whole thing feels very warm and fulfilling. My father proudly played the video clip that he took about my school serving children and families, the job he never knew I do now. The dream is full of bright light and vivid sentiment.

Perhaps this is my father's message for me that I am doing a great work that he feels proud of. I just need to make it special and connect it to my spiritual journey and practice. I just need to have the image of healing others with no charge. I do not need to worry about pursuing a different path in order to accomplish my work, because with no self interest, any spiritual path is a great path.

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