Saturday, March 3, 2012

I am, I notice, I know, every moement, every day

Use all senses, not just the thinking mind, and focus on everything around

This has baffled me for a while. During the weekend,I can get to this place of zero and peace. But before going back to the challenging week, I found myself dreading return to it. Why? I thought I am spiritual enough to face anything. Why the dread and reluctance?

Then it dawn on me that I am not seeing the whole picture. During the week, I only focus on a few things that I have to do. I miss many other things in the background. I am not seeing the whole truth. There are probably only a few items I am paying attention to or maybe I am so busy with looking to the future event or past events, while I ignore ten other things happening right now around me.

Yes, there is always fear for any potential accidents, conflicts, people trying to undermine me, changes in dynamics.....But,do you see that this is not the only thing that's is. What happens to the worldly excitement and joy of becoming the boss of the place, driving in to work wth my own parking space, the warm and fuzzy feelings of spirituality, the endless possibility of time that I am in control, the old habit of going to the mall after work to walk around seeing things like a child in the wonderland, the amazement of how my story touched people online.....

When things get into a habitual routine mode, we start to lose our attention about it. We start to focus on whatever we choose to focus on, and lose the sense of the whole picture. Very quickly, we start to only focus on fearful things or regretful things that our mind chooses for us. We start to lose the joy and awe.

When looking up to a big slope coming up, I think to myself "What a big slope," but when walking on it step by step and getting into the curve, I think to myself again "What slope?"

When we go into any situation with total attention to the second and the minute, it really gets broken down to bits and pieces of wonder and truth.

What if we use all of our senses about the whole thing every single time, to know the whole truth, to notice everything, to explore whatever is happening....

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