Saturday, April 23, 2011

Anything we try to control, controls us

How to face the fear of an ending of a good thing which we do not want it to stop--health, job, professional edge, control, vibriant years, relationship, control, power, self confidence, control, ....

How to face the fear of losing control?

We can't be prepared for this.

We can only accept the fact that, in fact, the time will come when we lose control. We might be able to control a certain thing for a time, for now, for a certain degree, but control is only relative. Give it enough time, we will eventually lose it.

Will we be okay when we lose control?

Can we be okay knowing that no matter what we do, actually one day we will not be okay--health, job, professional edge, control, vibriant years, relationship, control, power, self confidence, control...

Will worry about it make it any better?

Can we even control anything?

When seeing suffering, decline, failure, harm, injustice, illness, death, bad things, evil in our surroundings, if our reaction are emotions of horror, disappointment, fear, condemation, rejection, denial..., that means we will not be okay when that day finally come when it's our turn.

To be fearless, we can only accept, surrender, be willing, be humble, to the fact that we can't be in control forever.

We surrender, not because we fear, and not because we don't want the fear of losing contorl. We surrender because the more we are aware, the more we see that the only thing we can control is ourseelves. No one can harm us, no one can make us suffer, no one can make anything a bad thing, except us.

When we really look at any sufferings, a big part of it is the shame, and the loss of pride and dignity that goes with it-- How are my friends and family going to view me if I don,t have a job, if I have cancer, if I am homeless, if I get fired, if am a complete failure, if I am the center of attack or scandal? Everyone else is okay while I am not.

While we try to control our destiny, the fear actually control us all our life.

In fact, while we are worrying about the arriving of such a day, people actually probably only spend 2% of their attention on anything about you. Who cares?

Anything we try to control, actually controls us.

Let go of control of everything, then nothing can control us.

If your demise is just like the falling leaves of the tree outside, or the disappear of the squarrel on a tree, which is all a part of the nature, doesn't it feel so much lighter?

What it is to fear? It is going to come. Nature is not all pretty and perfect. You and I shouldn't be always pretty and perfect either.

The fact that we are here, and the fact that we are a part of the nature, we are as magical, cute, and as fragile as the squarrel on that tree.

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