Saturday, September 25, 2010

092510 luicid dreaming--flying in a tunnel

I have been occupied with work and have not been attempting OBEs, too busy being a boss and teaching at nights. A lot of things going on at work, pressure from internally and externally.

I do meditate daily and do yoga every week. My main focus has been to familiarize myself with a inner place of zero--the source of our being.

Every weekend, I go into nature to work on inner energy as well.

One thing I have found is how closely our body and being work together and affect each other. As a result, I found that sometimes I work on the end of the being, and other times, work on the end of the body. Both methods take me back to the zero.

I have found that it's very true that our mind (and body) really are addicted to anything that we can't let go. It's very important to be free from attachment and also right thinking, or it takes away the balance of our body, which takes us away from zero--the source of our being.

There have been some strange dreams, but not surprisingly, we remember the best when we are lucid.

Last night in the dream, I arrived at a huge building and all of a sudden, I became lucid and realizing that I am dreaming.

I know that I can fly. So I turn on my inner energy, almost like turning on a power switch, combined from my mind and my whole body, and then took off from the ground.

I soared around in the building and was amazed how large this building is. I didn't see anyone or anything around. I shouted: "Anybody here? Does anyone want to tell me anything?"

In a minute, I saw a woman sitting in a car. She had a black dress and hat of 1800s. I said hi to her, but she didn't respond to me. Then her face got vague and then I flew away.

I kept flying around, hoping to see anyone. I looked back where I came from. The whole thing is now looking like a black tunnel. I shouted again: Anyone here?

Then I saw two teen boys and maybe their parents pass by. While they were passing by, I tried to talk to them but they didn't appear to hear me or see me. When I touched them, I noticed that my arms pass through their bodies. I was amazed what happened and was wondering if they were not solid, or maybe I was not solid.

After they were gone. I was alone again. I flew away in the tunnel. From here, I don't remember the tranistion, but I know that I went up and down in another building, seeing and doing something here which I don't remember.

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