Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Becoming lucid

  This is what it feels like when becoming lucid in the dream.

  In this dream, I was standing in my kitchen. All of a sudden, I become suspicious that the wall cabinets look different. The atmosphere is too quiet. The wall and the cabinets look like they are floating. I panic a bit, with a dread and a tug in the stomach "Something is not right."
  At this point, I already become aware that I am in the dream state. I look over to the other end of the kitchen, it is totally different and a little dark. I look into the hallway. Again, it is a bit dark and there seems to be a stair, where in real world, I do not have a stair there. This is the point when I usually try to jump up and see if I can fly. Once I keep going up, I know that I am now still in my dream and I can do things that I can't achieve in real world. This time I keep chanting Kwan Yin's name to take me somewhere higher. But I lose the lucid state and consciousness this time. In other times when I continue to be lucid in the dreams, I was able to fly and manifest things with thoughts

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Sky Beings

  This experience starts with me becoming aware of myself reading a scripture while laying down. (A few others are also sleeping nearby, but I do not know who they are. The guy next to me probably is my spirit guide, who is always there whenever I have experiences.) All of a sudden, I become aware that an UFO has appeared in the sky right above us, even before I see it. With the awareness, I look over and it is a round shape UFO surrounded by bright white light. I exclaim: "Wow, UFO" Something in the scripture seems to have attracted the UFO.
  We continue to lay there. A device comes down from the UFO and latch on to me. I thought it also latches on to the guy next to me, but I realize that I am the only one being latched on to this device. As the thing emits humming sound, I see the vision of parts of the world. Quickly, the map of Taiwan shows up. I said "Wow, they know that I am from Taiwan." Some other symbols appear in the vision as the scanning continues, but I don.t know what they are. Just like that, the scanning stops and the device returns to the UFO before it disappears.
  Then I was aware of myself in a place full of people and beings, high up in the sky, in a big hall. I can sense that some of the beings are a lot more advanced than others. I enter into among them. Something happens to me here, but I cannot remember what it is. It is either that the beings interact or make something happen to me. All this time, I am aware that I am in a other worldly place, having an extraordinary experience. I am aware that this is something unusual but somehow it is something I look forward to and not scary at all. In a way, I feel I am in the right place having experiences that are bringing me to next level of evolution.
  At one point, I become even more lucid. Every time when this happens, I would try to jump up to see if I can keep going up. I jump up and will myself to go even higher. It seems to bring me to go through the grand ceiling to another hall. I would come to a group of people/beings and they seem to know I would be there and that they know what to do with me. All these beings hang out in this high up place in the sky. It feels like we are on the top of the skyscrapers. Beings pass by us and they wear this unusual looking clothing, looking like astronaut suits, but much lighter and a bit more dramatic. I probably did touch them. Everyone including me just stand on a piece of standing scaffolding among all these skyscrapers towering into clouds. Everyone seems to move around at will.
  The whole experience is so long and non stop. Toward the end, I walk past this Korean girl to go get my stuff in the locker. She said I need to walk across the scaffolding to the locker area. These are all high up in the sky, some inside, others between skyscrapers. I step over and the door automatically opens into another hall.
While I was still in this hall but start to wake up , I become aware that I want to record all these happenings onto my phone. But as I grab my phone next to where I sleep and try to put in all these, many details start to escape from me. Everything was so clear and so real, but the minute I wake up from it, everything quickly fades away.