Friday, May 29, 2015

Precognitive dream coming true--amazing turn of event

  This is a dream from last year. In it, I stand in a new office where people are getting the place ready for me. I was totally in a surprise mode as this happens all of a sudden without me knowing it until I stand in it. My new office has large glass window all around with light coming in, my large desk standing in the middle. I feel very good in it. Next room is where my office staff is and the place is still empty and it is quite new. I walk around and look around. Out of my office is a hallway where I can look into the staff office. The hallway has long line of windows opens to outside. This certainly feels like a new location.
  I was baffled when waking up, thinking what a remote chance it is where I would move my office, since the agency owns this building. I was not seeing any chance of a moving. But it was a clear vision.
  For at least the past year, my prayer has been for angels to bless my work, to expand and to be recognized, mainly to open up rooms for younger groups.
  Beginning the end of last year, work went through a dramatic swing back and forth.
  In the beginning, I did not understand why it happened and why things could change so fast without any warning. Is this the answer from the angels?
  Not knowing what to make of these, I continued to give my best. I stopped talking to angels for a while, even though deep down I know that angels were working behind the scene to transition me onto something new.
  All of a sudden, the agency undergoes expansions to other towns. Some consolidation is supposed to happen. But quickly, changes came again. The merger of the programs did not happen. The building is now going to be sold and my program is now getting a new location.
  This year is supposed to be a worst year for me in a 12 year cycle according to Chinese zodiac. I quietly brace whatever is coming my way this year. However, In the beginning of the year, I went to a couple of psychics. From the cards that I picked, this should be a time of "wishes granted", a time of "celebration" which I didn't see how this could be the case at the time.....
  With a new location, I have more autonomy and i am more likely to open rooms for younger groups.
   I weep. I smile. I am stunned. I am speechless. I am amazed. I celebrate......