Monday, November 26, 2012

A Miracle

Archangels, Kwan Yin, and Ascended Masters, thank you for being there for me and for the family involved. Thank you for bring forth the best outcome for everyone involved. This is truly a miracle.

Federal review team who has arrived and settled into their hotel had to pack up and leave when Hurricane Sandy closed down everything in the Northeast on October 29th. Things are now postponed.

Citywide programs breathed a sigh of relief, at least temporarily. My center has just went through another national re-accreditation visit in September and quickly got re-accredited. I was going to take it easy for a few days. But a call from the center one morning brought a bad news.

There had been an accident. Client was fine, but family was furious. Even though we provided great service to the family before and after the accident, all bad signs were pointing to worst case scenario.

I was talking to St. Michael and Kwan Yin that I really was praying for a miracle. I had done everything in my power, and this miracle can only be accomplished on the spiritual level.

This is the first time in my spiritual journey when I prayed to a specific angel for a situation, with no idea whether it would work or not. Client continues to be angry and unresponsive.

 After about two weeks of no response and everyone getting ready for the worst, all of a sudden I received a call that I had been praying for. The client wanted to come back. All the worries suddenly were over.

I could not go into details of the whole thing. I just really need to at least write this short entry about this miracle.

When we are very quiet and talk to these beings of light with clear intention, I now am sure that our messages are being received and can be answered. The prayer itself flowed easily as if I was being taught and influenced what to say, to be connected to my inner truth.The more I prayed, the more I felt the anger the family felt from this one more stress, and I truly wanted the best for them, as well as for everyone involved. The more I prayed, the more I wanted to pray, as if a connection had been established.

Message that asks for best outcome for everyone resonates with all levels.